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Weight Training at 50? At 60? At 70?!?!

Not The Look We Are Going For.

I think everybody agrees that working out is good for you.

Not just for young people.

But as you get older, exercise can help protect you from many of the bad things that happen as you age.

This includes muscle aches, back pain, and even dementia.

Muscle is the key.

Muscle helps us burn calories, and it helps us stay smarter.

The bad news is that we lose muscle.

Normally, people lose 5 to 10 lbs. of muscle per decade after 50.

Not good.

And losing muscle means having a slower metabolism.

Without strength training, our metabolism drops by 3% per decade.

More bad news.

The good news is that it is totally reversible.

We just need to exercise.

But we can’t work out like we did when we were teenagers.

We’re not muscle monkeys.

So, what is the best way to exercise for older folks?

Well, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) put out some fitness guidelines, specifically for people that are 50 and older.

And their advice is pretty smart, and common sense.

We should be doing resistance training (i.e., lifting weights) 2 to 3 times a week.

We should work every major muscle groups including arms, legs and the core.

And, we should have a goal of lifting a weight that’s heavy enough to life 10 to 15 times, before our muscles become fatigued.

The ACSM also recommends doing aerobic activity on a regular basis.

They recommend 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity (on a bike, a treadmill, or even just walking briskly) 3 to 5 days a week

So, exercising, and exercising properly, really can be a fountain of youth.

But, along with exercise, you also need your baseline of vitamins and minerals everyday.

And LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins provides that.

LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins contains over 170 total nutrients, in one easy to swallow form.

That means that you can take one fluid ounce of LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins.

Instead of having to swallow a quarter of a bottle of multi-vitamin horse pills.

And, unlike most supplements which are synthetic, LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins comes from an all-natural 100% vegetarian whole food plant source.

It tastes fantastic, and because of its liquid form, is much easier to take than pills.

And that’s so smart, even a muscle monkey would agree. 😉

Thanks again!!


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