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My Teddy Bear Lied To Me

Et tu, Teddy?
Nobody likes being lied to.

But I found out that I’d been lied to all of my life.

One of my first memories as a child is watching commercials with a white, fluffy teddy bear selling fabric softener.

Nothing could sweeter, or more pure. A teddy bear in the clouds, giving me a big hug. I loved those commercials. I even begged my parents to get me a teddy bear. And they did.

They paid a little old lady to sew together a teddy bear, just like the one in the commercial. And I carried it around wherever I went. I still have memories of my parents putting me to bed, clutching that teddy bear to my chest.

Little did I know that that teddy bear was slowly killing me.

No, this isn’t a horror story. But, like millions of Americans, the chemicals in that fabric softener were making me sick.

Your current cleaning product?

It’s not a surprise. Most cleaning products that big companies sell, even the fabric softener that my teddy bear sold to me, contain highly toxic chemicals. The Environmental Working Group, a not for profit organization that studies the environment and public health, came out with their Cleaners Hall of Shame list. According to the EWG’s study, 53% of the cleaning products that they studied contained ingredients that were harmful for the lungs. Also, several known carcinogens, such as formaldehyde and chloroform, were also found in common, everyday cleaners.

As bad as that it, the lying made it even worse. According to the EWG:

“Just 7 percent of cleaning products adequately disclosed their contents. To uncover what’s in common household cleaners, EWG’s staff scientists spent 14 months scouring product labels and digging through company websites and technical documents. EWG staff reviewed each ingredient against 15 U.S. and international toxicity databases and numerous scientific and medical journals.”

So, is there and alternative?

Can you clean your clothes and your house, while keeping your family and your health safe?

You can. Go natural.

For example, the EWG suggests, “Lemon, cooking oil, vinegar and baking soda are just a few multipurpose cleaning items you may find in your closet.”

So, what did I learn? First, of course, never trust talking fluffy white teddy bears. Second, there are many, many natural alternatives to the products that big companies sell, that are making us sick.

Tomorrow, I’m not only going to you more about those alternatives, and how you can better protect your family and our planet. I’m also going to reveal the hidden benefit of doing the right thing.

Until then, stay healthy!!


Brought to you by
– Life Miracle

P.S. For a full list of the most dangerous products, check out the Cleaners Hall of Shame list.