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Winter Sucks.

Growing up in Upstate New York, I learned early that winter sucks.

There were times when I was a kid when I would open the door, and the snow was higher than me.

Driving is also a pain.

I would slide off the road and get stuck in a snow bank at least 3 or 4 times a year.

I’d get out, put something under the wheels, and just push my way out.

If I couldn’t get my car out, Triple A would get another call.

And I was just resigned to it.

I didn’t realize that there was a better way.

Now, I’ve got an SUV.

So, it is less of a pain.

But I still remember that mindset.

I was just resigned to the fact that I would get stuck in a snow bank.

I never thought that there could be a better way.

Thank God, I’ve gotten out of that mindset.

I learned to challenge my assumptions.

I learned to look for a better way.

That led me to develop he Nano Towels®.

Nano Towels® clean with ZERO toxic chemicals that can make your family, friends, and pets sick, and harm the environment.

Nano Towels® also not only eliminate those expensive cleaning products, but also the need to purchase expensive paper towels.

That saves you money.

And now the Nano Towels® come in gray!!

That can make even the winter in Upstate New York better.

Thanks again!!


– Brought to you by

Life Miracle.