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Swedish Death Cleaning

Not This Cool, Unfortunately.

Yes, it actually is a thing.

When I first heard the term, I thought it meant cleaning up after Vikings after they just pillaged a village.

But, instead, it is the idea that Swedes get rid of all of their junk and clutter before they die.

The idea is to get ride of all the stuff in your home so that that your family won’t be burdened by your belongings after you pass away.

I read an article about it a while back.

Apparently, it’s especially important to get rid of any embarrassing items that you might have.

The example they gave in the article was that if you have any letters from an illicit love affair, consider getting rid of them now.

More generally, the author suggested that “[i]f you think the secret will cause your loved ones harm or unhappiness, then make sure to destroy them.”

Well, I don’t have any illicit love letters.

Actually, I can’t remember the last time I wrote a letter, love or no love.

But I do have some things that I should probably get rid of, that might, in the words of the Swede, “cause my loved ones harm or unhappiness.”

So, all those comic books that I have in the attic.

My collection of tee shirts with country logos that I bought from Target.

And my HUGE DVD collection.

They’ve all got to go.

Before I go.

So, why am I talking about Swedish Death Cleaning?

Isn’t the subject a bit morbid?

It is.

But after you throw out all of those illicit love letters, and DVDs of 80s movies, you’re going to have to clean up.

And what is the best way to do that?

You guessed it!!

Using the Nano Towels®!!

Nano Towels® clean with ZERO toxic chemicals that can make your family, friends, and pets sick, and harm the environment.

The Nano Towels® also not only eliminate those expensive cleaning products, but also the need to purchase expensive paper towels.

And now, Nano Towels® even come in gray!!

That’s something that wouldn’t cause even a Swede “harm or unhappiness.”

Thanks again!!


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– Life Miracle
