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For Love Or Money?

It turns out, people are pretty simple.

After all the noise on the internets about how to have a happy life, how to be healthy, how to do this or that, our motivation really boils down to two things.



We do things for people that we care about.

Our families, friends, pets, the environment, etc.

That’s the love part.

But we also do things because we want pleasure, to have a nice house, car, vacations.

That’s the money part.

And there’s nothing wrong with either of them.

Love makes our lives worth living.

It fills it with meaning.

It makes the world better.

But love ain’t paying the rent.

So, we need both.

But, often, they seem contradictory.

We’ve all had moments in our lives where we had to follow our passion (love) or do what we thought was most practical (money).

But wouldn’t it be nice if they could coincide?

That’s not likely to happen all the time.

But, what if, in some small way, you could follow your passion, and be practical

That is exactly what I was trying to do when I developed the Nano Towels®.

Cleaning with Nano Towels® mean love.

Nano Towels® clean with ZERO toxic chemicals that can make your family, friends, and pets sick, and harm the environment.

But Nano Towels® also mean money.

More money in YOUR pockets.

Because it not only eliminates those expensive cleaning products, but also the need to purchase expensive paper towels week after week, month after month, and year after year.

So, in some small way, Nano Towels® make it so that you don’t have to choose between love and money.

And what could be better than that?

Thanks again!!


Brought to you by

 – Life Miracle