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Coffee Makes Me Poop

I Need Some “Me” Time.

I love the java.

It is part of my daily routine, and I doubt I could get through the day without a cup or two.

The good news is that coffee isn’t just good.

It’s been found to be good for you.

I wrote about this a while back.

But the scientific evidence is growing that coffee has all sorts of good stuff in it, like antioxidants, that can improve your health.

In fact, coffee might even help you live longer.

A recent study found that drinking coffee was associated with an 8% to 15% reduction in the risk of death.

And the effect was largest for people who drank the most coffee

That means, the more coffee you drink, the bigger the benefits.

Check it out here.

Good news, right?

There’s just one problem.

Coffee makes me poop.

So, I want the health benefits of a superfood, like coffee.

But I can’t really drink any more than I already do.

Or, I’ll be spending half my day in the bathroom.

So, what’s the solution?

Allied Life® Spirulina & Chlorella could be the answer.

Spirulina and Chlorella are two of the most powerful superfoods on the planet.

They are filled with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. These include iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B2, B5, B6, B12, E and K, biotin, inositol, and folic acid.

In fact, a massive amount of scientific research has unequivocally shown the AMAZING health benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella. These include:

So, if you want good health, maybe you should try Allied Life® Spirulina & Chlorella.

Thanks again!!


Brought to you by

– Life Miracle
