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Are You Mistakenly Covering Your Skin With Toxins?

At first glance, it seems weird how the way we clean our clothes can impact our health.

But if we think a little bit more, it makes sense.

Our skin is the biggest organ in the human body.

And our clothes are pressed against our skin nearly 100% of the time.

So, if there is something stuck to our clothes, we’re likely to get it stuck to our skin.

Not only is that thought pretty gross.

It is pretty dangerous.

Because typical laundry detergents contain a MASSIVE amount of toxins.

Two of the NASTIEST (but certainly NOT the only) of these extremely dangerous chemicals in laundry detergent are 1,4-Dioxane and Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (NPE).


This stuff is pretty terrible.

And it is made worse by the fact that 2 out of 3 (67%) laundry detergents contain this nasty bugger.

According to the CDC 1,4-Dioxane has a TON of negative effects.

Short term effects

– It irritates the eyes and the respiratory tract.
– If swallowed the substance may cause vomiting.
– Exposure can result in unconsciousness.

Long term effects

– It can affect the central nervous system, kidneys, and liver.
– It is also possibly carcinogenic to humans, and definitely to animals.

Not only that, but the CDC warns that it can be absorbed through the skin, and that it should only be touched using protective clothing and protective gloves!!

And this stuff is washing your clothes?!?!?

But that’s not all.

1,4-Dioxane is also a killer for the environment,

1,4-Dioxane has been found the water in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and in several towns in Orange County, California.

And there is no way to really get it out once it is in our water.

Water filters can’t remove it, and it isn’t biodegradable.

NPE—the “Gender Bender”

Another killer in laundry detergent is NPE.

Read more here.

These chemicals are known as “gender benders” because they can disrupt the endocrine system and interfere with the way your glandular system works.

They copy the female hormone estrogen.

And they have even been tied to some types of fish and frogs switching from male to female!!

But gender bending isn’t all these noxious chemicals can do.

Briefly, here are a few other reasons to be terrified of these dangerous toxins. Source.

– NPEs have been associated with breast cancer
– NPEs have been found to be an obesity enhancing chemicals.
– NPEs have been found to be transferred from pregnant women to their unborn babied.

These chemicals are so nasty that they’ve been banned for import in the EU.

So, what can we do to avoid these killers?

Tomorrow, I’ll give you some tips on how to clean your clothes without getting sick.

In the meantime, here are all-natural alternatives to detergent and dryer balls.

Until then.

Thanks again!!


– Brought to you by

Life Miracle