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99 Percent of Pregnant Women in U.S. Test Positive for Multiple Chemicals – Including Banned Ones

According to this article.

Just about EVERY pregnant women in the United States has multiple chemicals in her body.

These chemicals included many banned in the United States since the 1970s.

Other chemicals are common in everyday products, such as personal care products or detergents.

Even scarier, many of these chemicals have been associated with really dangerous health problems.

For example, phenols are in personal care products and laundry detergents.

Studies shown links between phenols and respiratory and circulatory damage, heart damage, and damage to the liver, kidneys and eyes.

They’ve also known to be endocrine disrupters, and have been tied to damage to the endocrine system, reproduction and fertility.

Phthalates are another example of a dangerous chemical that is found in detergents.

It is particularly scary that phthalates have been found in pregnant women, because exposure to these nasty chemicals can damage unborn babies by, for example, leading to incomplete testicular descent in fetuses.

What does this tell us?

Stay away from laundry detergents

Especially if you are pregnant.

Thanks again!!


– Brought to you by

Life Miracle

P.S. Here are all-natural alternatives to detergent and dryer balls.