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3 Of The Worst Lies about Weight Loss

Wouldn’t it be great if a chocolate ice cream diet were the answers to your problems?

It sounds amazing, but unfortunately it is way too good to be true.

It seems like every day there is a new dieting tip, out there and it can be very confusing to know which are true and which are downright false.

The nutritional needs of each person can vary greatly; yet we all hope for the one easy diet that fits all.

If you’re having trouble losing weight, the problem may be with your approach, not your willpower.

Before you commit yourself to a boot camp, or cut all fat from you diet, let’s set the record about healthy eating straight.

1. Diet Sodas Promote Weight Loss

Diet sodas have long been a go-to choice for those hoping to lose weight, but recent studies have shown that they are not as healthy as they appear.

It turns out that people who drink diet sodas have larger waists than those who do not.

If they are fat-free and zero-calorie, then what is the problem?

The artificial sweeteners used in these drinks make your brain look for nutrients, but it finds none, triggering the brain to search for more food.

2. Fat-Free Means No Limits

Great marketing.

Terrible health advice.

Your body NEEDS healthy fats to survive.

So cutting all fats won’t make you healthier.

It might not even mean that you are cutting calories, if the fat is replaced with tons and tons of sugar.

Foods that are marked low-fat or fat-free are often full of sugar or salt to make up for the loss of flavorful fat.

They also tend to have more artificial ingredients than their full-fat cousins.

The concept of fat-free can be deceiving.

Since it is less satisfying than the real thing, you are more likely to talk yourself into another serving of something if it is labeled fat-free, adding on additional unwanted calories.

3.Afraid Of She-Hulk?

Lots of women shy away from lifting weights and eating protein because they claim it will make them look big and muscular.

The truth is this is REALLY unlikely to happen.

There are guys that spend hours and hours in the gym trying to gain muscle, and just can’t.

Women just don’t have enough testosterone to grow muscles that will bust through their clothes.

Instead, weightlifting is great for weight loss because it helps you burn calories and build lean – meaning not bulky! – muscle mass.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day, not just during exercise. You’ll also look and feel stronger.

Time after time, doctors have recommended expending more calories than you consume, rather than looking for a magic pill or secret food that will melt the pounds away.

And weightlifting, for both men and women, can be key to doing that.

So, if that doesn’t work, what does?

Well, good nutrition is a good start.

Getting the baseline of vitamins and minerals is even better.

And LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins provide that.

LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins contains over 170 total nutrients, in one easy to swallow form.

That means that you can take one fluid ounce of LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins.

Instead of having to swallow a quarter of a bottle of multi-vitamin horse pills.

And, unlike most supplements which are synthetic, LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins comes from an all-natural 100% vegetarian whole food plant source.

It tastes fantastic, and because of its liquid form, is much easier to take than pills.

So, what do you have to lose, She-Hulk? 😉

Thanks again!!


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– [Life Miracle](
